Sign Shops

Information on the server’s main way of exchanging goods and services, signshops.

Signshops are player made shops that you can either buy things from, or sell things to.

How do I create a signshop?

Signshops can be created by placing down any sign, both regular and hanging, followed by the phrase [Buy] or [Sell] on the first line. The second and third line can be anything. Most commonly, what is being bought or sold, and the amount that is being bought or sold is put here. The fourth line, you simply enter a number, this will be the price of the signshop.

How do I stock a shop?

To stock a shop, you Shift + Right-Click the sign and you then put the items in your invetory into the Shop Contents window. It should look something like the image down below.

Can I edit my signshop?

Yes you can! However, it is only possible for tier 1 donators. If you become a tier 1 donator, you unlock the wonderful command /editshop. This command can be used to edit a multitude of different values on your signshops.

The amount of the item you are selling/buying can be edited with /editshop amount <amount>.

You can also change your [Buy] shop to a [Sell] shop, and vice versa with /editshop sell or /editshop buy.

You can also edit the second and third line of text on your signshop with the /editshop line <2 or 3> <text> command.

There is also the /editshop info command; this shows you what type of shop it is, the price of the shop and the owner.

Last, but not least you can edit the price of your signshop with the /editshop price <amount> command.

How do I destroy a signshop?

Signshops can be destroyed by breaking the sign. If there is any stock left in the signshop, it will be dropped on the ground for you to pick up.

Last modified October 8, 2023: Update Wiki (0d62b14)