Sword Abilities

Information about how Royal Swords abilities.

Sword abilities are attachments that can be added to your sword to make it more powerful!

Each ability has a cooldown on its use. This cooldown is dependant on the sword’s level. For example, the Dash ability has a cooldown of [ 8s to 1.3s ] Meaning that at sword level 1, the cooldown will be 8 seconds, and at sword level 30, the cooldown will be 1.3 seconds.

Abilities can also be levelled up to be more powerful. They can be upgraded by using them. These upgrades will last forever.

To get an ability you must have the advancement required by it, as well as the items required to craft it.


Ability Description Required Advancement Cooldown (Decrease per level) Max Level Levels Crafting Items
Dash Launches you forward with Right-Click Adventuring Time 8s to 1.3s (0.25s decrease) 3 Level 2: 1,750 Total uses 1 Enchanted Golden Apple
1 Dragon Head
Level 3: 3,500 Total Uses 1 Lingering Potion of Swiftness
1 Rabbit's Foot
Ender Pearl Throws an Ender Pearl on Right-Click Bullseye 8s to 1.3s (0.25s decrease) 3 Level 2: 750 Total uses 1 Dragon Head
1 Enderman head
Level 3: 1,500 Total Uses 64 Ender Eyes
64 Chorus Flowers
Twirl Damages all entities around you in a swirl War Pigs 6s to 4s (0.1s decrease) 3 Level 2: 600 Total uses 1 Budding Amethyst
8 Sculk Sensors
Level 3: 1,200 Total Uses 64 Chains
64 Compasses
Far Reach Allows you to hit entities up to 5 blocks away Sniper Duel 6s to 3s (0.1s decrease) 3 Level 2: 1,000 Total uses 1 Enchanted Golden Apple
1 Bell
Level 3: 2,000 Total Uses 1 Leash
1 Fishing Rod (0 damage)
TNT Drops a primed TNT on Right-Click Postmortal 20s to 5s (0.5s decrease) 3 Level 2: 175 Total uses 1 Creeper Head
1 Netherite Scrap
Level 3: 350 Total Uses 4 Disc Fragments
1 TNT Minecarts
Fire Ball Throws a Fire Ball on Right-Click Great View From Up Here 8s to 3s (0.2s decrease) 2 Level 2: 350 Total uses 1 Dragon Head
16 End Crystals
16 Bottles of Dragon Breath
16 Fire Charges
Regeneration Gives you Regen on Right-Click How Did We Get Here? 30s to 15s (0.5s decrease) 2 Level 2: 1,000 Total uses 1 Nether Star
4 Clocks
16 Ghast Tears
Strength Gives you Strength on Right-Click Monsters Hunted (Currently impossible to get) 20s to 10s (0.35s decrease) 2 Level 2: 1,000 Total uses 1 Netherite Ingot
4 Nautilus Shells
16 Obsidian
Weakness Gives an enemy Weakness when you attack them It Spreads 20s to 10s (0.35s decrease) 2 Level 2: 1,000 Total uses 1 Music Disc 5
4 Fermented Spider Eyes
16 Eggs
Last modified October 8, 2023: Update Wiki (0d62b14)