Level 3

Dungeon Spider Level

All the mobs are in the spider family. The boss at the end is called Hidey Spidey.

  • Bane of Arthropods V is highly recommended.
  • Diamond armour with protection enchantments.
  • A bow is highly recommended.
  • A shield may be useful.
  • Potions of strength/regeneration may be useful.



Defeat Dungeon Level 2

Spawning Hidey Spidey

Amount Origin
Spider Eyes 45 Spiders
String 30 Cave Spiders
Fermented Spider Eyes 20 Mommy Spiders
Arrows of Poison 5
Somewhere in the caves in this level you will find Greg, a special villager, who will sell you the arrows in exchange for spider eyes and string (dungeon items).

Hidey Spider Behaviour

Hidey Spidey is invisible, and deals poison damage on contact.

Hidey Spidey also summons cave spiders. Beware the cobwebs in the arena - you don’t want to get stuck in them!

Level Layout

Don’t fall in the water, in this level it is poisonous!

Level 3 layout