Level 2

Dungeon Skeleton Level

All the mobs are in the skeleton family. The boss at the end is called Skalatan.

  • Smite V is highly recommended, whether on an axe or sword.
  • Diamond armour with protection enchantments.
  • A shield may be useful.
  • A bow may be userful too.



Defeat Dungeon Level 1

Spawning Skalatan

Amount Origin
Stray Bones 15 Strays
Wither Goo 30
Potentially drops when you punch
Josh the wither skeleton.
Horse Bones 30 Skeleton Horses
Floaty Bones 30 Floaty Skeletons

Skalatan Behaviour

Skalatan will switch between attacking with a sword and a bow every few seconds. It gives the wither effect when attacking you with melee, and uses a flame bow.

Skalatan can only be damaged by the player with the item type it is holding. This means when Skalatan is holding a bow, it is invulnerable to melee attacks from the player, but can be damaged with arrows. When it is holding a sword, Skalatan can only be damaged by melee attacks from the player.

Level Layout

Level 2 layout