
waypoints commands


Shows you the nearest waypoint

Permission: ftc.waypoints
Aliases: findpost, findwaypoint


Takes you to your home waypoint

Permission: ftc.waypoints
Aliases: homepole, homepost

  • /homewaypoint
    Takes you to your home waypoint


Invites users to your home waypoint

Permission: ftc.waypoints

  • /invite <users>
    Invites users to your home waypoint


Lists named waypoints

Permission: ftc.waypoints
Aliases: listregions, regions, regionlist, waypointlist

  • /listwaypoints
    Lists named waypoints
  • /listwaypoints <page: number(1..)> [<page size: number(5..20)>]
    Lists named waypoints on a specific page


Sets your home waypoint

Permission: ftc.waypoints
Aliases: sethomepole, sethomepost

  • /movein
    Sets your home waypoint


Alias for ‘/vr Hazelguard’

Permission: ftc.waypoints


Visits a teleport waypoint

Permission: ftc.waypoints
Aliases: v, vr, visitregion

  • /visit <waypoint name>
    Visits a teleport waypoint


Opens the Waypoint GUI

Permission: ftc.waypoints


Waypoints admin commands

Permission: ftc.waypoints.admin

  • /waypoints save
    Saves all waypoints
  • /waypoints reload-config
    Reloads the waypoints config
  • /waypoints reload-all
    Reloads ALL waypoints
  • /waypoints update-all
    Updates all waypoints
  • /waypoints info <waypoint>
    Shows info about a waypoint
  • /waypoints update <waypoint>
    Updates a specific waypoint
  • /waypoints remove <waypoint>
    Deletes a waypoint
  • /waypoints draw-bounds <waypoint>
    Draws the bounds of a waypoint
  • /waypoints create admin
    Creates an invisible admin waypoint
  • /waypoints create region-pole
    Creates a region-pole waypoint
  • /waypoints move <waypoint>
    Moves a waypoint to where you’re standing
  • /waypoints move <waypoint> <pos: x y z>
    Moves a waypoint to a specified xyz position
  • /waypoints residents list <waypoint>
    Lists all residents in a waypoints
  • /waypoints residents add <waypoint> <players>
    Adds all players to be residents of waypoint
  • /waypoints residents remove <waypoint> <resident>
    Removes a resident from a waypoint
  • /waypoints residents set <waypoint> <player> <time>
    Sets a player to be a resident of a waypoint with a specific movein time
  • /waypoints residents clear <waypoint>
    Removes all residents from a waypoint
  • /waypoints property list <waypoint>
    Lists all property values in a waypoint
  • /waypoints property unset <waypoint> <property>
    Removes a property’s value from a waypoint
  • /waypoints property set <waypoint> <property> <value>
    Sets a property’s value for a specific waypoint
  • /waypoints property get <waypoint> <property>
    Gets a property’s value
  • /waypoints column clear <waypoint>
    Breaks the center column of a waypoint
  • /waypoints column place <waypoint>
    Places the center column of a waypoint
  • /waypoints platform place <waypoint>
    Places a platform for a waypoint
  • /waypoints platform break <waypoint>
    Breaks a waypoint’s platform
  • /waypoints description get <waypoint>
    Gets a waypoint’s description
  • /waypoints description get-rendered <waypoint>
    Gets a waypoint’s rendered description
  • /waypoints description set <waypoint> <description>
    Sets a waypoint’s description
  • /waypoints creation-date get <waypoint>
    Gets a waypoint’s creation date
  • /waypoints creation-date set <waypoint> <time>
    Sets a waypoint’s creation date


This is an auto-generated command documentation file generated by the FTC plugin.
Date: Sat Nov 18 17:36:30 EET 2023
Plugin version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Total commands: 9

Last modified November 18, 2023: Update commands wiki (60db43f)