
uncategorized commands


Teleports you to your previous location

Permission: ftc.commands.back
Aliases: return

  • /back
    Teleports you to your previous location


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.balance
Aliases: bal, bank, cash, money, ebal

  • /balance
    Shows you your Rhines
  • /balance <player>
    Shows you player’s Rhines
  • /balance <player> add <amount: number>
    Adds amount of Rhines to player
  • /balance <player> set <amount: number>
    Sets the Rhines of player to amount
  • /balance <player> remove <amount: number>
    Removes amount from the Rhines of player
  • /balance <player> delete
    Deletes the player’s Rhines data


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.baltop
Aliases: balancetop, banktop, topbals, topbalances

  • /baltop
    Shows you the Top balances
  • /baltop <page> [<page size: number(5..20)>]
    Shows you the Top balances on page
    If [page size] is not set, then it defaults to 10


Shoots a bee :D

Permission: ftc.commands.beezooka

  • /beezooka
    Shoots a bee :D


Opens a cartography table

Permission: ftc.commands.cartography

  • /cartography
    Opens a cartography table


Allows you to deposit coins into your balance

Permission: ftc.commands.deposit

  • /deposit
    Deposits all held coins
  • /deposit all
    Deposits all coins in your inventory


Opens a menu to dispose of items for yourself or another player

Permission: ftc.commands.disposal
Aliases: bin

  • /disposal
    Opens a menu to dispose of items for yourself
  • /disposal <player>
    Opens a menu to dispose of items for a player


Opens your Ender Chest

Permission: ftc.commands.enderchest
Aliases: ec, echest

  • /enderchest
    Opens your Ender Chest


Feeds yourself or a player

Permission: ftc.commands.feed

  • /feed
    Feeds yourself
  • /feed <player>
    Feeds a player


Lists all players on the server

Permission: ftc.commands.list
Aliases: list, elist, playerlist


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.gems

  • /gems
    Shows you your Gems
  • /gems <player>
    Shows you player’s Gems
  • /gems <player> add <amount: number>
    Adds amount of Gems to player
  • /gems <player> set <amount: number>
    Sets the Gems of player to amount
  • /gems <player> remove <amount: number>
    Removes amount from the Gems of player
  • /gems <player> delete
    Deletes the player’s Gems data


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.gemtop
Aliases: topgems

  • /gemtop
    Shows you the Gem Top
  • /gemtop <page> [<page size: number(5..20)>]
    Shows you the Gem Top on page
    If [page size] is not set, then it defaults to 10


Opens the grindstone menu

Permission: ftc.commands.grindstone

  • /grindstone
    Opens the grindstone menu


Places the item in your hand on your head

Permission: ftc.commands.hat

  • /hat
    Places the item in your hand on your head


Heals yourself or another player

Permission: ftc.commands.heal

  • /heal
    Heals yourself
  • /heal <player>
    Heals a player


Displays help information

Permission: ftc.commands.help
Aliases: ?

  • /help
    Displays all help info
  • /help <topic> [<page: number(1..)>] [<page size: number(5..20)>]
    Queries information for a specific topic.
    [page] optionally displays the specific page of information
  • /help all [<page: number(1..)>] [<page size: number(5..20)>]
    Displays a specific page of all help info.


Shoots a kitten at people

Permission: ftc.commands.kittycannon

  • /kittycannon
    Shoots a kitten at people


Opens the loom inventory

Permission: ftc.commands.loom

  • /loom
    Opens the loom inventory


Petty, please stop using this command

Permission: ftc.default
Aliases: me

  • /me <action>
    Broadcasts the action in chat
    Lets you trick people into thinking you died
    by doing ‘/me was blown up by Creeper’


Shows nearby players

Permission: ftc.commands.near
Aliases: nearby

  • /near <radius: number(1..100,000)>
    Shows all players with a radius
  • /near <user> [<radius: number(1..100,000)>]
    Shows all players near to a user
    and within an optional [range]


Sets your nickname

Permission: ftc.commands.nickname
Aliases: nick

  • /nickname
    Clears your nickname
  • /nickname -clear
    Clears your nickname
  • /nickname <nick>
    Sets your nickname


Pay another player

Permission: ftc.commands.pay

  • /pay <players> <amount: number(1..)> [<message>]
    Pays all players an amount of rhines [message] specifies
    an optional message to send to players being paid.


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.playtimetop
Aliases: nolifetop, topplayers

  • /playtimetop
    Shows you the Top by playtime
  • /playtimetop <page> [<page size: number(5..20)>]
    Shows you the Top by playtime on page
    If [page size] is not set, then it defaults to 10


Displays a user’s information

Permission: ftc.commands.profile
Aliases: user, playerprofile, gameprofile

  • /profile
    Shows your profile
  • /profile <player>
    Shows you a player’s profile


Repairs the item you’re holding

Permission: ftc.commands.repair

  • /repair
    Repairs an item held by yourself
  • /repair <player>
    Repairs an item held by a player


Send a message to the last person to send you a message

Permission: ftc.commands.message
Aliases: er, ereply, respond, r

  • /reply <message>
    Sends a message to the last person that
    messaged you / you messaged.


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.roll


Says a message in chat

Permission: ftc.default


Opens the settings book

Permission: ftc.commands.settings
Aliases: options, preferences

  • /settings
    Opens the settings book


Opens the smithing table

Permission: ftc.commands.smithingtable
Aliases: smithing

  • /smithingtable
    Opens the smithing table


Opens the stone cutter menu

Permission: ftc.commands.stonecutter

  • /stonecutter
    Opens the stone cutter menu


Commits suicide D:

Permission: ftc.commands.suicide

  • /suicide
    Commits suicide D:


Sends a message to a player

Permission: ftc.commands.message
Aliases: emsg, tell, whisper, w, msg, etell, ewhisper, pm, dm, t, message

  • /tell <player> <message>
    Sends a message to player
    Donators can use color codes and emotes


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.topvoters
Aliases: votetop

  • /topvoters
    Shows you the Top voters
  • /topvoters <page> [<page size: number(5..20)>]
    Shows you the Top voters on page
    If [page size] is not set, then it defaults to 10


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.votes

  • /votes
    Shows you your Votes
  • /votes <player>
    Shows you player’s Votes
  • /votes <player> add <amount: number>
    Adds amount of Votes to player
  • /votes <player> set <amount: number>
    Sets the Votes of player to amount
  • /votes <player> remove <amount: number>
    Removes amount from the Votes of player
  • /votes <player> delete
    Deletes the player’s Votes data


Allows you to teleport to random locations

Permission: ftc.commands.wild
Aliases: rtp, randomtp, randomteleport

  • /wild
    Allows you to teleport to random locations


Get cold coins from your balance

Permission: ftc.commands.withdraw

  • /withdraw <amount>
    Withdraws a coin worth amount
  • /withdraw <amount> <coins>
    Withdraws coins, each worth amount


Opens a workbench

Permission: ftc.commands.workbench
Aliases: wb, craftingtable

  • /workbench
    Opens a workbench


This is an auto-generated command documentation file generated by the FTC plugin.
Date: Sat Nov 18 17:32:09 EET 2023
Plugin version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Total commands: 38

Last modified November 18, 2023: Update commands wiki (60db43f)