
structure commands


Command to place, create and manage FTC structures

Permission: ftc.admin
Aliases: ftcstructure, structure, struct

  • /ftcstruct create <name>

    Creates a Structure from your selected
    region and gives it the name

  • /ftcstruct create <name> [ignore_blocks=<block tags>] [ignore_entities=<entity type list>] [include_functions=<true | false>]

    Creates a Structure with the given parameters
    -ignore_blocks: A list of blocks that’ll be ignored
    when the Structure is being scanned
    -ignore_entities: A list of entity types that won’t be
    included in the Structure
    -include_functions: Whether to include structure functions
    in the Structure or not

  • /ftcstruct <structure name> palette add <name>

    Creates a Palette from your selected
    region and gives it the name

  • /ftcstruct <structure name> palette add <name> [ignore_blocks=<block tags>] [ignore_entities=<entity type list>] [include_functions=<true | false>]

    Creates a Palette with the given parameters
    -ignore_blocks: A list of blocks that’ll be ignored
    when the Palette is being scanned
    -ignore_entities: A list of entity types that won’t be
    included in the Palette
    -include_functions: Whether to include structure functions
    in the Palette or not

  • /ftcstruct <structure name> palette remove <name>

    Removes a palette with name from a structure

  • /ftcstruct <structure name> place

    Places the structure where you’re standing

  • /ftcstruct <structure name> remove

    Deletes a structure

  • /ftcstruct <structure name> place [rotation=<rot>] [offset=<x,y,z>] [pivot=<x,y,z>] [pos=<x,y,z>] [place_entities=<true | false>] [ignore_air=<true | false>] [palette=<name>]

    Places a structure with the parameters

    -rotation: The rotation applied to the structure
    -offset: Offset applied to the structure
    -pivot: The pivot used when placing the structure
    -pos: The position the structure is placed at
    -place_entities: Whether to place entities
    -ignore_air: If true, then existing blocks in the world
    won’t be overridden if they would be overriden by air
    -palette: the name of structure palette to place

  • /ftcstruct <structure name> header

    Displays the Structure data

  • /ftcstruct <structure name> header view [<path: nbt path>]

    Displays Structure data, if [path] is set, shows only
    data at that path

  • /ftcstruct <structure name> header insert <path: nbt path> <tag>

    Inserts a tag into Structure data at a path

  • /ftcstruct <structure name> header merge <tag>

    Merges a tag into Structure data

  • /ftcstruct <structure name> header set <tag>

    Completely overwrites the existing Structure data
    and sets it to tag


Ignore this command

Permission: ftc.commands.StructFunction


This is an auto-generated command documentation file generated by the FTC plugin.
Date: Sat Nov 18 17:32:09 EET 2023
Plugin version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Total commands: 2

Last modified November 18, 2023: Update commands wiki (60db43f)