
scripts commands


Runs JavaScript code

Permission: ftc.commands.js

  • /js <code>
    Runs JavaScript code


Command that provides access to FTC’s scripting engine

Permission: ftc.commands.scripts
Aliases: script

  • /scripts reload-config
    Reloads the scripting plugin config
  • /scripts reload-scripts
    Reloads all currently active scripts
  • /scripts loaded list
    Lists all loaded scripts
  • /scripts loaded reload <active>
    Reloads a specific script
  • /scripts loaded close <active>
    Closes a loaded script
  • /scripts run <script>
    Executes a script
  • /scripts run <script> [args=<string>] [-keep-loaded] [method=<string>]
    Executes a script
    ‘args’ - Sets the string arguments that are passed to the script
    ‘method’ - specifies the name of the method to run after
    the global scope has been executed
    ‘-keep-loaded’ - If set, the script will stay loaded after
    execution has finished, use this if the script has a
    scheduler or event listener that needs to run for longer
    than the script’s initial lifetime


This is an auto-generated command documentation file generated by the FTC plugin.
Date: Sat Nov 18 17:32:09 EET 2023
Plugin version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Total commands: 2

Last modified November 18, 2023: Update commands wiki (60db43f)