
mail commands


Mail command

Permission: ftc.mail

  • /mail
    Mail command
  • /mail <page: number(1..)> [<page size: number(5..20)>]
    Shows you your mail
  • /mail read_other <user>
    Reads another user’s mail
  • /mail read_other <user> [<page: number(1..)>] [<page size: number(5..20)>]
    Shows you a users’s mail
  • /mail send <targets> -anonymous <message>
    Sends a mail message to a target player
  • /mail send <targets> <message>
    Sends a mail message to a target player
  • /mail send_item <target> -anonymous <message>
    Sends a mail message to a target player with an item
  • /mail send_item <target> <message>
    Sends a mail message to a target player with an item
  • /mail admin_send <targets> [<options>] message=<message>
    Sends an admin mail message, options:
    • [rhines=amount]: Sets the message’s rhine rewards
    • [gems=amount]: Sets the message’s gem rewards
    • [guildExp=amount]: Sets the GuildEXP reward
    • [items=item list]: Sets the items that are in the message
    • [script=script name]: Script executed when mail is claimed
    • [tags=tag list]: Sets a list of string tags used to identify the message
    • [-multiply-guild-exp]: Sets whether to use the GuildEXP multiplier or not when rewarding GuildEXP


This is an auto-generated command documentation file generated by the FTC plugin.
Date: Sat Nov 18 17:32:09 EET 2023
Plugin version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Total commands: 1

Last modified November 18, 2023: Update commands wiki (60db43f)