Leaderboards admin command
Permission: ftc.commands.leaderboards
Aliases: lb
/leaderboards reload-config
Reloads the Leaderboards Config
/leaderboards reload-boards
Reloads all leaderboards from disc
/leaderboards save
Saves all leaderboards to disk
/leaderboards list
Lists all leaderboards
/leaderboards list [<page size>] [<page size>]
Lists all leaderboards on a specific page
/leaderboards create <name>
Creates a new leaderboard with ‘dummy’ source
/leaderboards info <board>
Shows info about a leaderboard
/leaderboards update <board>
Updates a leaderboard
/leaderboards update-all
Updates all leaderboards
/leaderboards kill <board>
Kills a leaderboard
/leaderboards remove <board>
Kills and deletes a leaderboard
/leaderboards spawn <board>
Spawns a leaderboard
/leaderboards location <board>
Moves a leaderboard to where you’re standing
/leaderboards location <board> <pos: x y z>
Moves a leaderboard to the specified xyz coordinates
/leaderboards footer <board> <text>
Sets the footer used by a leaderboard
/leaderboards header <board> <text>
Sets the header (title) used by a leaderboard
/leaderboards format <board> <text>
Sets the format used by a leaderboard
/leaderboards you-format set <board> <text>
Sets the format used when displaying the ‘You’ entry
/leaderboards you-format unset <board>
Reverts the format used for displaying the ‘You’ entry
back to the regular format -
/leaderboards include-you <board> <value>
Enables/Disables the ‘You’ entry being displayed
The ‘You’ entry will not be shown if a non-player leaderboard
is being rendered, or if the player has no score in the leaderboard -
/leaderboards order <board> <order>
Sets the order in which elements are listed
/leaderboards source <board> <source>
Sets the data source used by a leaderboard
/leaderboards max-size <board> <size>
Sets the maximum amount of entries a leaderboard will show
/leaderboards fill-empty <board> <value>
Sets whether the leaderboard size is changed or if empty
slots are filled with ‘-’ values -
/leaderboards filter set <board> <filter>
Sets a leaderboard’s score filter
/leaderboards filter unset <board>
Removes a leaderboard’s filter
/leaderboards entity yaw <board> <value>
Sets the yaw (x rotation) of a leaderboard
/leaderboards entity pitch <board> <value>
Sets the pitch (y rotation) of a leaderboard
/leaderboards entity scale set <board> <value>
Sets a leaderboard’s scale
/leaderboards entity scale unset <board>
Removes a set scale value from a leaderboard
/leaderboards entity translation set <board> <value>
Sets the transformation offset of a leaderboard
/leaderboards entity translation unset <board>
Removes a set offset value from a leaderboard
/leaderboards entity billboard <board> <value>
Sets the ‘billboard’ value of a leaderboard
A ‘billboard’ decides if a leaderboard is always rotated to face you
or is at a fixed angle -
/leaderboards entity text-align <board> <value>
Sets the text alignment of a leaderboard (left, right, or center)
/leaderboards entity background-color set <board> <value>
Sets the background color of a leaderboard
/leaderboards entity background-color unset <board>
Removes a set background color value from a leaderboard
/leaderboards entity brightness set <board> <skylight> <blocklight>
Sets the ‘brightness’ of a leaderboard
/leaderboards entity brightness unset <board>
Removes a set ‘brightness’ value from a leaderboard
/leaderboards entity shadowed <board> <true|false>
Sets the background color of a leaderboard
/leaderboards entity see-through <board> <value>
Sets if a leaderboard can be seen through
/leaderboards entity line-width set <board> <value>
Sets a leaderboard’s line width
/leaderboards entity line-width unset <board>
Removes a leaderboard’s set line-width value
/leaderboards entity text-opacity set <board> <value>
Sets the text opacity of a leaderboard
/leaderboards entity text-opacity unset <board>
Removes the set text opacity value of leaderboard
This is an auto-generated command documentation file generated by the FTC plugin.
Date: Sat Nov 18 17:32:09 EET 2023
Plugin version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Total commands: 1