
item commands


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.items

  • /enchant <enchantment> [<level: number(1..)>]
    Applies the enchantment to your held item
    with [level]. If [level] is not given, then
    a level of 1 is used.
    If the item is a book, enchanting it turns it
    into an enchanted book
  • /enchant clear
    Clears all your held item’s enchantments


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.items

  • /item_attribute_modifiers clear
    Clears the item’s Attribute Modifiers
  • /item_attribute_modifiers remove <attribute>
    Removes all modifiers which modify the
    attribute value
  • /item_attribute_modifiers remove attr <attribute>
    Same as above
  • /item_attribute_modifiers remove slot <equipment slot>
    Removes all modifiers which apply to the
    equipment slot


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.items
Aliases: itemcooldown

  • /item_cooldown <material>
    Shows how long a material is on cooldown for you
  • /item_cooldown <material> <time>
    Sets your material’s cooldown to time


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.items
Aliases: item_tags, itemnbt, itemdata, itemtags

  • /item_data give_command
    Creates a /give command for the item you’re holding
  • /item_data
    Displays the Item data
  • /item_data view [<path: nbt path>]
    Displays Item data, if [path] is set, shows only
    data at that path
    Note: the tag and path roots are the item’s raw NBT
    Not the ’tag’ element.
  • /item_data insert <path: nbt path> <tag>
    Inserts a tag into Item data at a path
    Note: the tag and path roots are the item’s raw NBT
    Not the ’tag’ element.
  • /item_data merge <tag>
    Merges a tag into Item data
    Note: the tag and path roots are the item’s raw NBT
    Not the ’tag’ element.
  • /item_data set <tag>
    Completely overwrites the existing Item data
    and sets it to tag
    Note: the tag and path roots are the item’s raw NBT
    Not the ’tag’ element.


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.items
Aliases: nameitem, renameitem, itemrename

  • /itemname <text>
    Sets the name of the item you’re holding
    If the text is a JSON component (eg: {“text”:“Item Name”})
    The name won’t automatically become non-italic
    and white, you’ll be required to manually set them to
    that configuration
  • /itemname -clear
    Clears the name of the item you’re holding


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.items
Aliases: itemstacks, itemstack, item

  • /items enchant <enchantment> [<level: number(1..)>]
    Applies the enchantment to your held item
    with [level]. If [level] is not given, then
    a level of 1 is used.
    If the item is a book, enchanting it turns it
    into an enchanted book
  • /items enchant clear
    Clears all your held item’s enchantments
  • /items lore clear
    Clears your held item’s lore
  • /items lore add <text>
    Adds text to your held item’s lore
    If the text is a JSON component (eg: {“text”:“Item Name”})
    The name won’t automatically become non-italic
    and white, you’ll be required to manually set them to
    that configuration
  • /items lore display
    Displays the lore of the item you’re holding with index numbers
  • /items lore set <index> <text>
    Sets the lore on the specified line of the item you’re holding
  • /items lore remove <index>
    Removes the lore on the given line
  • /items lore remove at <index>
    Removes the lore on the given line
  • /items lore remove between <start index> <end index>
    Removes all lore between the 2 lines
  • /items name <text>
    Sets the name of the item you’re holding
    If the text is a JSON component (eg: {“text”:“Item Name”})
    The name won’t automatically become non-italic
    and white, you’ll be required to manually set them to
    that configuration
  • /items name -clear
    Clears the name of the item you’re holding
  • /items data give_command
    Creates a /give command for the item you’re holding
  • /items data
    Displays the Item data
  • /items data view [<path: nbt path>]
    Displays Item data, if [path] is set, shows only
    data at that path
    Note: the tag and path roots are the item’s raw NBT
    Not the ’tag’ element.
  • /items data insert <path: nbt path> <tag>
    Inserts a tag into Item data at a path
    Note: the tag and path roots are the item’s raw NBT
    Not the ’tag’ element.
  • /items data merge <tag>
    Merges a tag into Item data
    Note: the tag and path roots are the item’s raw NBT
    Not the ’tag’ element.
  • /items data set <tag>
    Completely overwrites the existing Item data
    and sets it to tag
    Note: the tag and path roots are the item’s raw NBT
    Not the ’tag’ element.
  • /items attributes clear
    Clears the item’s Attribute Modifiers
  • /items attributes remove <attribute>
    Removes all modifiers which modify the
    attribute value
  • /items attributes remove attr <attribute>
    Same as above
  • /items attributes remove slot <equipment slot>
    Removes all modifiers which apply to the
    equipment slot
  • /items cooldown <material>
    Shows how long a material is on cooldown for you
  • /items cooldown <material> <time>
    Sets your material’s cooldown to time


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.commands.items
Aliases: itemlore, lores, itemlores

  • /lore clear
    Clears your held item’s lore
  • /lore add <text>
    Adds text to your held item’s lore
    If the text is a JSON component (eg: {“text”:“Item Name”})
    The name won’t automatically become non-italic
    and white, you’ll be required to manually set them to
    that configuration
  • /lore display
    Displays the lore of the item you’re holding with index numbers
  • /lore set <index> <text>
    Sets the lore on the specified line of the item you’re holding
  • /lore remove <index>
    Removes the lore on the given line
  • /lore remove at <index>
    Removes the lore on the given line
  • /lore remove between <start index> <end index>
    Removes all lore between the 2 lines


This is an auto-generated command documentation file generated by the FTC plugin.
Date: Sat Nov 18 17:32:09 EET 2023
Plugin version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Total commands: 7

Last modified November 18, 2023: Update commands wiki (60db43f)