
inventory commands


An FTC command (default description)

Permission: ftc.royalsword

  • /royalsword create <owner: player> [<level>]
    Creates a sword with an owner
    If level is specified, the sword is upgraded to
    that level
  • /royalsword update
    Forces your held sword to update
    the lore and sword data, this is
    normally done after killing any mob
    with the sword, or after using a sword’s
  • /royalsword upgrade
    Upgrades your held sword by 1 level
  • /royalsword ability
    Shows the active ability of your held sword
  • /royalsword ability unset
    Removes your sword’s active ability
  • /royalsword ability set <ability> [<level: number(1..)>]
    Sets the active ability of your held sword
    If level is not set, defaults to 1
  • /royalsword ability cooldown <ticks>
    Adds a cooldown override to the ability of the sword
    you’re holding
  • /royalsword ability cooldown remove_override
    Removes the cooldown override of the sword you’re holding
  • /royalsword ability remaining_uses <uses: number(0..)>
    Sets the remaining uses of the ability of the
    sword you’re holding
  • /royalsword ability remaining_uses infinite
    Sets the remaining uses to ‘infinite’ for the
    ability of the sword you’re holding.
    This means the ability will never run out of uses
  • /royalsword data
    Displays the Sword data
  • /royalsword data view [<path: nbt path>]
    Displays Sword data, if [path] is set, shows only
    data at that path
  • /royalsword data insert <path: nbt path> <tag>
    Inserts a tag into Sword data at a path
  • /royalsword data merge <tag>
    Merges a tag into Sword data
  • /royalsword data set <tag>
    Completely overwrites the existing Sword data
    and sets it to tag


This is an auto-generated command documentation file generated by the FTC plugin.
Date: Sat Nov 18 17:32:09 EET 2023
Plugin version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Total commands: 1

Last modified November 18, 2023: Update commands wiki (60db43f)