
guilds commands

/g chat

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild
Aliases: gc

  • /g chat <message>
    Sends a message into the guild chat
  • /g chat <guild> <message>
    Sends a message into a guild’s chat

/g chunks

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild

  • /g chunks list
    Displays thechunks your guild owns
  • /g chunks claim
    Claims the chunk you’re in for your guild
  • /g chunks unclaim
    Unclaims the chunk you’re in for your guild
  • /g chunks unclaimall
    Unclaims ALL chunks owned by your guild
  • /g chunks list <guild>
    List the chunks of a guild
  • /g chunks claim <guild
    Claims the chunk you’re in for a guild
  • /g chunks unclaim <guild>
    Unclaims the chunk you’re in for a guild
  • /g chunks unclaimall <guild>
    Unclaims all the chunks of a guild

/g create

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild
Aliases: createguild, gcreate

  • /g create <name>
    Creates a new guild with the name

/g delete

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild
Aliases: guilddelete, gdelete

  • /g delete
    Deletes your guild
  • /g delete <guild>
    Deletes a guild

/g demote

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild

  • /g demote <user>
    Demotes a user
  • /g demote <user> <guild>
    Demotes a user in a guild

/g discover

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild
Aliases: discoverguilds, guilddiscovery, gdiscover

  • /g discover
    Opens a menu to find guilds to join

/g help

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild
Aliases: ghelp

  • /g help
    Shows help information

/g info

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild

  • /g info
    Displays info about your guild
  • /g info <guild>
    Displays info about a specific guild

/g inventory

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild
Aliases: ginv, guildinv

  • /g inventory
    Opens your guild’s inventory
  • /g inventory <guild>
    Opens a guild’s inventory

/g invite

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild

  • /g invite <user>
    Invites a player to your guild
  • /g invite <user> cancel
    Cancels a sent invite
  • /g invite accept <guild>
    Accepts a guild join invite
  • /g invite deny <guild>
    Denies a guild join invite

/g join

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild

  • /g join <guild>
    Joins a guild

/g kick

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild

  • /g kick <user>
    Kicks a user out of your guild
  • /g kick <user> <guild>
    Kicks a user out of a guild

/g l

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild
Aliases: guildlist, glist

  • /g l
    Lists all guilds

/g leave

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild

  • /g leave
    Leaves the current guild you’re in

/g multiplier

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild

  • /g multiplier
    Opens the multiplier menu
  • /g multiplier add player=<player> type=<guild | global> length=<time> value=<multiplier>
    Adds a multiplier
  • /g multiplier manual
    Shows the current manual modifier
  • /g multiplier manual <value: number(0..)>
    Sets the current manual modifier to a value
  • /g multiplier <player> <type: global | guild>
    Lists all type multipliers a player has
  • /g multiplier <player> <type: global | guild> remove <index>
    Removes a type multiplier from player.
    Use /g multiplier player type to list a player’s
  • /g multiplier <player> <type: global | guild> clear
    Clears all type multipliers a player has

/g promote

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild

  • /g promote <user>
    Promotes a user
  • /g promote <user> <guild>
    Promotes a user in a guild

/g set

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild
Aliases: gset

  • /g set name <name>
    Sets your guild’s name
  • /g set leader <player>
    Sets your guild’s leader
  • /g set discordAnnouncements
    Sets whether guild announcements are
    forwarded to the guild’s discord channel
  • /g set unlimitedMembers <guild> <true | false>
    Sets whether a guild can have unlimited members
  • /g set unlimitedMembers <guild>
    Checks whether a guild has unlimited members.
  • /g set unlimitedChunks <guild> <true | false>
    Sets whether a guild can have unlimited chunks
  • /g set unlimitedChunks <guild>
    Checks whether a guild has unlimited chunks.

/g toggleperm

Guild command, see ‘/help guild’ for more info

Permission: ftc.guild


Guild command

Permission: ftc.guild
Aliases: g

  • /guild reload
    Reloads the Guilds plugin
  • /guild reload-config
    Reloads the Guilds config
  • /guild help
    Shows help information
  • /guild info
    Displays info about your guild
  • /guild info <guild>
    Displays info about a specific guild
  • /guild l
    Lists all guilds
  • /guild set name <name>
    Sets your guild’s name
  • /guild set leader <player>
    Sets your guild’s leader
  • /guild set discordAnnouncements
    Sets whether guild announcements are
    forwarded to the guild’s discord channel
  • /guild set unlimitedMembers <guild> <true | false>
    Sets whether a guild can have unlimited members
  • /guild set unlimitedMembers <guild>
    Checks whether a guild has unlimited members.
  • /guild set unlimitedChunks <guild> <true | false>
    Sets whether a guild can have unlimited chunks
  • /guild set unlimitedChunks <guild>
    Checks whether a guild has unlimited chunks.
  • /guild invite <user>
    Invites a player to your guild
  • /guild invite <user> cancel
    Cancels a sent invite
  • /guild invite accept <guild>
    Accepts a guild join invite
  • /guild invite deny <guild>
    Denies a guild join invite
  • /guild kick <user>
    Kicks a user out of your guild
  • /guild kick <user> <guild>
    Kicks a user out of a guild
  • /guild join <guild>
    Joins a guild
  • /guild leave
    Leaves the current guild you’re in
  • /guild chunks list
    Displays thechunks your guild owns
  • /guild chunks claim
    Claims the chunk you’re in for your guild
  • /guild chunks unclaim
    Unclaims the chunk you’re in for your guild
  • /guild chunks unclaimall
    Unclaims ALL chunks owned by your guild
  • /guild chunks list <guild>
    List the chunks of a guild
  • /guild chunks claim <guild
    Claims the chunk you’re in for a guild
  • /guild chunks unclaim <guild>
    Unclaims the chunk you’re in for a guild
  • /guild chunks unclaimall <guild>
    Unclaims all the chunks of a guild
  • /guild chat <message>
    Sends a message into the guild chat
  • /guild chat <guild> <message>
    Sends a message into a guild’s chat
  • /guild inventory
    Opens your guild’s inventory
  • /guild inventory <guild>
    Opens a guild’s inventory
  • /guild create <name>
    Creates a new guild with the name
  • /guild delete
    Deletes your guild
  • /guild delete <guild>
    Deletes a guild
  • /guild discover
    Opens a menu to find guilds to join
  • /guild multiplier
    Opens the multiplier menu
  • /guild multiplier add player=<player> type=<guild | global> length=<time> value=<multiplier>
    Adds a multiplier
  • /guild multiplier manual
    Shows the current manual modifier
  • /guild multiplier manual <value: number(0..)>
    Sets the current manual modifier to a value
  • /guild multiplier <player> <type: global | guild>
    Lists all type multipliers a player has
  • /guild multiplier <player> <type: global | guild> remove <index>
    Removes a type multiplier from player.
    Use /g multiplier player type to list a player’s
  • /guild multiplier <player> <type: global | guild> clear
    Clears all type multipliers a player has
  • /guild promote <user>
    Promotes a user
  • /guild promote <user> <guild>
    Promotes a user in a guild
  • /guild demote <user>
    Demotes a user
  • /guild demote <user> <guild>
    Demotes a user in a guild


This is an auto-generated command documentation file generated by the FTC plugin.
Date: Sat Nov 18 17:32:09 EET 2023
Plugin version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Total commands: 19

Last modified November 18, 2023: Update commands wiki (60db43f)