
economy/signshops commands


Allows you to edit a shop

Permission: ftc.commands.shopedit
Aliases: shopedit, signshop

  • /editshop
    Displays help information
  • /editshop buy
    Makes the shop you’re looking at a buy shop
  • /editshop sell
    Makes the shop you’re looking at a sell shop
  • /editshop line <2 | 3> <text>
    Changes either the 2nd or 3rd line of the
    sign shop you’re looking at
  • /editshop amount <amount: number(1..64)>
    Changes the amount of items the shop sells/buys
  • /editshop price <value: number(1..)>
    Changes the price of the shop you’re looking at
  • /editshop info
    Displays info about the shop you’re looking at
  • /editshop data
    Displays the Shop data
  • /editshop data view [<path: nbt path>]
    Displays Shop data, if [path] is set, shows only
    data at that path
  • /editshop data insert <path: nbt path> <tag>
    Inserts a tag into Shop data at a path
  • /editshop data merge <tag>
    Merges a tag into Shop data
  • /editshop data set <tag>
    Completely overwrites the existing Shop data
    and sets it to tag


Shows the history of the shop you’re looking at

Permission: ftc.commands.shophistory

  • /shophistory
    Shows the history of the shop you’re looking at


Shop reselling

Permission: ftc.default
Aliases: shopresell

  • /shopreselling
    Shop reselling


This is an auto-generated command documentation file generated by the FTC plugin.
Date: Sat Nov 18 17:32:09 EET 2023
Plugin version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Total commands: 3

Last modified November 18, 2023: Update commands wiki (60db43f)