
challenges commands


Opens the challenge book

Permission: ftc.challenges

  • /challenges
    Opens the challenge book
  • /challenges list
    Lists all loaded challenges
  • /challenges list_active
    Lists all active challenges
  • /challenges give_points <challenge> <player> [<points: number(1..)>]
    Gives [points] for a challenge to a player
    If [points] is not set, defaults to 1
  • /challenges trigger <challenge> <player>
    Triggers a challenge for a player
    What ’triggering’ means, varies based on implementation
  • /challenges complete_all <category> <user>
    Completes all active challenges in a category for a
  • /challenges reset [<category>]
    Resets all challenges in a [category]. If a [category] is
    not set, it resets all categories
  • /challenges items <challenge> set_active [<item>]
    Sets an [item] to be a challenge’s active item
    If [item] is not set, then your held item is used
  • /challenges items <challenge> reroll
    Forces a challenge to re-roll it’s chosen item
  • /challenges items <challenge> chests
    Lists all chests a challenge is getting items from
    Chests are the ‘item sources’ from which item challenges
    pick their items at random. These chests have to exist in
    in the actual world
  • /challenges items <challenge> chests add [<block: x,y,z>]
    Adds a chest item source to a challenge
    If block is not set, the block you are looking at
    is used instead
  • /challenges items <challenge> chests remove <index>
    Removes a chest item source from a challenge at index
    To find the index do /challenges items challenge chests
  • /challenges items <challenge> chests clear
    Clears all chest item sources from a challenge


This is an auto-generated command documentation file generated by the FTC plugin.
Date: Sat Nov 18 17:32:09 EET 2023
Plugin version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Total commands: 1

Last modified November 18, 2023: Update commands wiki (60db43f)