
antigrief commands


Punishes a user with a Ban

Permission: ftc.punish.ban
Aliases: fban, banish, fbanish

  • /ban <user> [reason=<reason>] [length=<length: time>]
    Punishes a user with a Ban
    If [length] is not set, the punishment will
    not end automatically


Punishes a user with a IpBan

Permission: ftc.punish.banip
Aliases: banip, fbanip, fipban

  • /ipban <user> [reason=<reason>] [length=<length: time>]
    Punishes a user with a IpBan
    If [length] is not set, the punishment will
    not end automatically


Jails a user

Permission: ftc.punish.jail

  • /jail <user> <jail> [length=<length: time>] [reason=<reason>]
    Jails the user in the jail
    If the [length] is not set, the user will
    be jailed forever.


Lists all jails

Permission: ftc.punish.jail
Aliases: jaillist, listjails

  • /jails
    Lists all jails


Punishes a user with a Kick

Permission: ftc.punish.kick
Aliases: fkick, kickplayer

  • /kick <user> [reason=<reason>] [length=<length: time>]
    Punishes a user with a Kick
    If [length] is not set, the punishment will
    not end automatically


Punishes a user with a Mute

Permission: ftc.punish.mute

  • /mute <user> [reason=<reason>] [length=<length: time>]
    Punishes a user with a Mute
    If [length] is not set, the punishment will
    not end automatically


Shows all admin notes of a player

Permission: ftc.punish.notes

  • /notes <user>
    Views a user’s staff notes
  • /notes <user> add <text>
    Adds a staff note to a user
  • /notes <user> remove <index>
    Removes a staff note from a user


Opens the punishment menu for a specific user

Permission: ftc.commands.Punish
Aliases: p

  • /punish
    Opens the punishment menu for a specific user


Sends a message to the staff chat

Permission: ftc.staffchat
Aliases: staffchat

  • /sc <message>
    Sends a message to the staff chat


Seperates/unseparates 2 players

Permission: ftc.punish.separate

  • /seperate <user 1> <user 2>
    Separates/unseparates 2 players


Smites a user lol. This command will deal damage

Permission: ftc.admin

  • /smite <user>
    Smites a user


Punishes a user with a SoftMute

Permission: ftc.punish.softmute

  • /softmute <user> [reason=<reason>] [length=<length: time>]
    Punishes a user with a SoftMute
    If [length] is not set, the punishment will
    not end automatically


Pardons a user, if they’ve been Banned

Permission: ftc.punish.ban
Aliases: pardonban

  • /unban <user>
    Pardons a user


Pardons a user, if they’ve been IpBanned

Permission: ftc.punish.banip
Aliases: pardonip, ippardon, pardonipban

  • /unbanip <user>
    Pardons a user


Pardons a user, if they’ve been Jailed

Permission: ftc.punish.jail
Aliases: pardonjail

  • /unjail <user>
    Pardons a user


Pardons a user, if they’ve been Muted

Permission: ftc.punish.mute
Aliases: pardonmute

  • /unmute <user>
    Pardons a user


Pardons a user, if they’ve been SoftMuted

Permission: ftc.punish.softmute
Aliases: pardonsoftmute

  • /unsoftmute <user>
    Pardons a user


This is an auto-generated command documentation file generated by the FTC plugin.
Date: Sat Nov 18 17:32:09 EET 2023
Plugin version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Total commands: 17

Last modified November 18, 2023: Update commands wiki (60db43f)