Sets your gamemode to adventure
Permission: ftc.commands.gamemode.adventure
Aliases: gma
Sets your gamemode to adventure -
/adventure <player>
Sets a player’s gamemode to adventure
Modify user alt accounts
Permission: ftc.commands.alts
Aliases: useralts
, user_alts
/alts info <user>
Shows alt account info relating to a user -
/alts add <alt> <main>
Marks an alt player as an alt account for a main -
/alts remove <alt> <main>
Removes an alt account from a main account -
/alts clear <main>
Clears all alt account links from a main account
Broadcasts a message to the entire server.
Permission: ftc.commands.broadcast
Aliases: announce
, bc
, ac
/broadcast <message>
Broadcasts a message to the entire server
Controls various cooldowns
Permission: ftc.commands.Cooldown
/cooldown <user> <category>
Shows how long a user is on cooldown in a category -
/cooldown <user> <category> add [<length>]
Adds a user into a category’s cooldown.
If length is not set, the cooldown will never end -
/cooldown <user> <category> remove
Removes a user from a cooldown in a category
Sets your gamemode to creative
Permission: ftc.commands.gamemode.creative
Aliases: gmc
Sets your gamemode to creative -
/creative <player>
Sets a player’s gamemode to creative
FTC-Core admin command
Permission: ftc.commands.ftccore
/ftccore reload
Reloads the FTC-Core plugin -
/ftccore reload-config
Reloads the FTC-Core config -
/ftccore save
Forces the plugin to save all data
Gets the offset between 2 selected points
Permission: ftc.admin
Gets the offset between 2 selected points
Gets the accurate position of a player
Permission: ftc.commands.getpos
Sets your or another player’s gamemode
Permission: ftc.commands.gamemode
Aliases: gamemode
/gm <game mode>
Sets your game mode to game mode -
/gm <game mode> <player>
Sets a player’s game mode to game mode
An FTC command (default description)
Permission: ftc.commands.hologram
Lets you give players separate inventories
Permission: ftc.commands.invstore
/invstore reload
Reloads stored inventories -
/invstore save
Saves all currently stored inventories to disk -
/invstore save <player> <category: quoted string> [-doNotClear]
Saves a player’s inventory in a category
If the ‘-doNotClear’ flag is not set, the player’s
inventory is cleared after it’s stored away -
/invstore return <player> <category: quoted string>
Returns all items a player has stored in a category
This command will also remove the items from storage -
/invstore swap <player> <category: quoted string>
Swaps a player’s current inventory with the one stored in
category. If the player has no stored inventory in category
then no items are returned.
In either case, the player’s current items are saved in
the category -
/invstore give <player> <category: quoted string>
Works like the ‘return’ argument, except, it doesn’t
remove the items from storage
Rockets a player in a given direction
Permission: ftc.commands.launch
Aliases: rocket
/launch <entities>
Launches every selected entity in
the direction you’re looking -
/launch <entities> <velocity: x,y,z>
Sets the velocity of every entity -
/launch <entities> add <velocity: x,y,z>
Adds to the velocity of every entity -
/launch <entities> at <position: x,y,z> [<multiplier: number>]
Launches all entities towards a specified position
multiplier is an optional scalar for the velocity -
/launch <entities> at entity <selector> [<multiplier: number>]
Launches all entities at the selected entities
multiplier is an optional scalar for the velocity
An FTC command (default description)
Permission: ftc.commands.makeaward
Displays current memory usage information
Permission: ftc.commands.memory
Aliases: mem
Displays current memory usage information
Changes the game time for a player
Permission: ftc.admin
Aliases: ptime
Allows you to edit a sign
Permission: ftc.commands.sign
Aliases: editsign
/sign <pos: x,y,z> clear
Clears the sign of all text -
/sign <pos: x,y,z> copy
Copies the sign’s content -
/sign <pos: x,y,z> paste
Pastes your copied sign contents onto a sign -
/sign <pos: x,y,z> <line: number(1..4)> <text>
Sets a sign’s line to text -
/sign <pos: x,y,z> <line: number(1..4)> -clear
Clears line -
/sign <pos: x,y,z> type <type>
Sets the sign’s type -
/sign <pos: x,y,z> glow <true | false>
Makes a sign glow/not glow -
/sign <pos: x,y,z> waxed <true | false>
Sets a sign to be waxed or not
Gets a player’s skull
Permission: ftc.commands.skull
/skull <player>
Gets a player’s skull
Sets your gamemode to spectator
Permission: ftc.commands.gamemode.spectator
Aliases: gmsp
Sets your gamemode to spectator -
/spectator <player>
Sets a player’s gamemode to spectator
An FTC command (default description)
Permission: ftc.commands.speed
/speed walk query
Queries your walking speed -
/speed walk query <player>
Queries a player’s walking speed -
/speed walk <value: number(-10, 10)>
Sets your walking speed -
/speed walk <value: number(-10, 10)> <player>
Sets a player’s walking speed -
/speed fly query
Queries your flying speed -
/speed fly query <player>
Queries a player’s flying speed -
/speed fly <value: number(-10, 10)>
Sets your flying speed -
/speed fly <value: number(-10, 10)> <player>
Sets a player’s flying speed
Sets your gamemode to survival
Permission: ftc.commands.gamemode
Aliases: gms
Sets your gamemode to survival -
/survival <player>
Sets a player’s gamemode to survival
Modifys a player’s tab prefix/suffix/display name
Aliases: user_tab
, usertab
/tab update
Updates the TAB menu for every player -
/tab name <user> unset
Clears a user’s tab display name -
/tab name <user> <text>
Sets a user’s tab display name -
/tab prefix <user> unset
Clears a user’s tab prefix -
/tab prefix <user> <text>
Sets a user’s tab prefix -
/tab suffix <user> unset
Clears a user’s tab suffix -
/tab suffix <user> <text>
Sets a user’s tab suffix
Teleports yourself or other entities
Permission: ftc.commands.teleport
Aliases: tp
/teleport <location: x,y,z> [<yaw: -180..180>] [<pitch: -90..90>]
Teleports you to a location -
/teleport <entities>
Teleports to an entity -
/teleport <entities> <entity>
Teleports all entities to an entity -
/teleport <entities> <pos: x,y,z>
Teleports all entities to a pos -
/teleport <entities> <pos: x,y,z> <yaw: -180..180> <pitch: -90..90>
Teleports all entities to a location with a set yaw and pitch -
/teleport <entities> <pos: x,y,z> facing entity <facing: entity>
Teleports entities to a location and makes them face an entity -
/teleport <entities> <pos: x,y,z> facing <facing: x,y,z>
Teleports entities to a location and makes them face a position
FTC’s version of /tellraw with more lax text input
Permission: ftc.commands.tellrawf
Aliases: tellraw
, ftellraw
, ftc_tellraw
Sets the time in your world
Permission: ftc.commands.time
/time set <day | noon | night | midnight>
Sets the time in your world to a
corresponding constant -
/time set <time: world time>
Sets the world time -
/time add <time: world time>
Adds to time the world’s time -
/time get [<world>]
Gets the current world time in [world].
If [world] is not set, gets the time in
the world you’re in
Allows you to edit users’ timestamp fields
Permission: ftc.commands.timefield
/timefield query <user>
Shows a user’s time field values -
/timefield query <user> <field>
Shows a specific field’s value for a player -
/timefield set <field> <user> present
Sets a time field’s value to the present for a player -
/timefield set <field> <user> <value>
Sets a time field’s value to a set value -
/timefield unset <field> <user>
Removes a field’s value from a player
Teleports you to the top block in your X and Z pos
Permission: ftc.commands.teleport
Command for more precise teleportation
Permission: ftc.commands.teleport
/tp_exact world=<world> x=<cord> y=<cord> z=<cord> [yaw=<value>] [pitch=<value>]
Teleports you to the location specified in the parameters
Allows staff to become invisible to non-staff
Permission: ftc.vanish
Aliases: v
Allows staff to become invisible to non-staff -
/vanish silent
Toggles vanish without a join/leave message -
/vanish <other>
Toggles vanish for another player -
/vanish <other> silent
Toggles vanish for another player without announcing a join/leave message
Teleports you or another player into a world
Permission: ftc.commands.teleport
/world <world>
Teleports you into a world -
/world <world> <user>
Teleports a user into a world
This is an auto-generated command documentation file generated by the FTC plugin.
Date: Sat Nov 18 17:32:09 EET 2023
Plugin version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Total commands: 29