
This section explains how scripts can be used to handle logic of challenges.

Script files are stored in plugins/ForTheCrown/scripts as .js files.

Note: Be aware that script files are reloaded when they are deactivated/activated, so any data stored in the scripts themselves will be lost.


Before talking about any implementation details, You should know about the ChallengeHandle class. This class allows for giving rewards.

Class methods:

void givePoint(Object player);

Gives a single point to the player.


  • player: The player object, can be a player, UUID, User, or the player’s name.

void givePoints(Object player, float points);

Gives the player the given amount of points.


  • player: The player object, can be a player, UUID, User, or the player’s name.
  • points: The number of points to give the player.

boolean hasCompleted(Object player);

Tests if the given player has completed this handle’s challenge.


  • player: The player object, can be a player, UUID, User, or the player’s name.

Implementation methods

This section specifies methods that can be implemented by challenge scripts

// Called to handle the event logic for this challenge,
// If this method is not specified then the player in the
// event is simply given 1 point.
// If the challenge has a 'custom' event class, the first
// parameter will be an arbitrary object that's given as
// input by the discretion of whoever is writing this lol.
// Params:
// event - The event this challenge is listening to
// handle - The challenge's ChallengeHandle
function onEvent(event, handle);

// This will only be called if onEvent() has not been specified,
// This gets the player in the given event, if this method is not
// specified then the system will attempt to get the player automatically,
// by casting it to a PlayerEvent, if that doesn't work, it fails.
// Params:
// event - The event to get the player of.
// Return: The player event's player
function getPlayer(event);

// Tests if the given User object can complete the challenge
// Params:
// user - The user to test
// Return: True, if the user is allowed to complete the 
// 		   challenge, false otherwise
function canComplete(user);

// Called when the player completes this challenge
// Params:
// user - The User that completed this challenge
function onComplete(user);

// Called when the challenge's listeners are registered
// and it becomes 'active' 
// Included for the reason that during the daily reset,
// challenges may be changed, reset, new ones added, and
// this acts as a callback during that time.
// As an example, this is used in `on_join.js` to give
// everyone that's online the challenge.
// Params:
// handle - Challenge handle
function onActivate(handle);

// Called when the challenge is reset
// Params:
// handle - ChallengeHandle for the challenge
function onReset(handle);

Although these methods have a ChallengeHandle object passed to them via parameters, you can access the challenge object or its handle at any time with _challengeHandle and _challenge. Be aware that due to the current scripting system, these fields will not be available during initial script evaluation, only after the script is evaluated, are they made available

Last modified February 11, 2023: Initial commit (5f8f8c1)