
General information about the FTC plugin code.

Welcome to the Developer Wiki!

This documentation intends to give the reader a better understanding of the FTC plugin’s codebase. It includes information on commands, formats and much more.

If you wanna contribute to the FTC repository, fork this GitHub project, make your changes and submit a pull request, we’ll look over the pull request and then decide if we’ll include it or not.

Even if we do not include your changes, we’ll still be thankful you chose to contribute to our codebase.

As a general rule of thumb, we use Google’s Java style with a column character limit of 80.

(Still a work in progress)


What does your user need to understand about your project in order to use it - or potentially contribute to it?


Everything related to scripting.


Everything related to setting up challenges.


Everything related to interactables.


Additional pages that might be helpful.

Last modified February 11, 2023: Initial commit (5f8f8c1)