Patch Notes

Waypoint Screenshot

Hello everyone!

In the future, whenever we have a significant update with a lot of information, we’ll share it via a dedicated post on the FTC Blog instead of overwhelming the #updates channel on Discord.

Minecraft update

  • The server is now on version 1.20.2

Form Changes

We recently put out a form where we requested you answer a few questions about the server. We have received a handful of responses and would like to thank those who have answered the form already.

/shop Challenges

Thanks to a few responses on the form, it was brought to our attention that the /shop challenges have been too difficult, and time consuming to complete. In an effort to resolve this, we have removed a few hard-to-get heads, and we have also tweaked the drop rates of some other ones. The items and potions have also seen some re-arranging.

Royal Sword Abilities

We also heard your feedback on the Royal Sword Abilities; mainly on the application process, and we have made the requirements for each ability more approachable.

  • Ender Pearl now only requires 10,000 Rhines and 32 ender pearls.
  • Twirl has been renamed Whirlwind and now only requires 10,000 Rhines and 8 compasses.
  • Dash now only requires 10,000 Rhines and 3 Potions of Leaping II (1:30).
  • Far Reach now only requires 10,000 Rhines and a Mending Fishing Rod.
  • TNT has been renamed Explosive Barrage and now only requires 10,000 Rhines and 16 TNT.
  • Fire Ball now only requires 10,000 Rhines and 12 Fire charges.
  • Regeneration now only requires 10,000 Rhines and 3 Potions of Regeneration II (22s).
  • Strength now only requires 10,000 Rhines and a Diamond Sword.
  • Weakness now only requires 10,000 Rhines and 3 Potions of Weakness (4m).

Waypoint Update

The Waypoint plugin has received a lot of attention in this latest update. It has been ambiguous and hard to understand, but we’ve tried making it more user-friendly and easier to grasp.

For more information on the new Waypoint feature, check out the Waypoint entry on the FTC Wiki here!

Huge credit to JulieWoolie for making this update.


  • A few “Launch Pads” have been added throughout Hazelguard.
  • Removed a staircase in the spawn area to lead new players down the correct path.
  • Re-added the purple glass path that leads to the End portal in Hazelguard

Known Issues (Will be fixed in the next couple days)

  • Hulk smashing never triggers, Instant TP is always used
  • “Right-Click to edit waypoint” sign is not rendering correctly for non-waypoint-owners